Thursday, December 25, 2008

Start "In Depth"

I am back again, after long time... As i wanted to share only when i have something new... :)

This has been recent realization about actions, motives, perceptions... or anything! "It dosent matter how shining, glittering, impressive (one shot) YOU are ... Lasting success comes when we understand anything ~In Depth~". I have found in my experiences, people connect to you only when you are REAL, GENUINE, AUTHENTIC, SPEAKING TRUTH, FRIEND, WELL-WISHER. That connection is a bond which is start of a "meaningful" relationship.

All the above WORDS in capitals, seems to be very BIG and hard to do... I used to think the same way, but reality is exactly opposite as they are the simplest things to do with PURE HEART. It comes automatically, when YOU are on a mission, full with passion, HONEST and filled with INTEGRITY.

Somebody interrupted in between, i lost the flow!!! but more to come in near future!

Stay Great! Think Great!
-Varun Mishra

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Its not over until its over!

What a fantastic line to say again and again. I realized the truth just sometime back, when i am running in full throttle and tuning my engine to run at full efficiency. I realized when to do what you can ... you are giving your 110% ... GOD steps in and does the rest for you. But to do that I had to realize, "Its not over until its over"
"Your present has power to change your past", Ankur a great light in my life said this statement a week before, it was so powerful that my whole thought process has been changed and it gave me a complete new overlook to any task in hand!

I do believe now, success dose not lies in being tricky, extra skillful and any other external variables... It lies within... the real self, the authentic soul, the genuin friend, the loving human being, the wellwisher of everybody...
All above are nothing but realization and choices!!!

Go Great!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I have been writing and living this topic again and again, but strange part is everytime i thought ooooh... yes, thats what a leadership is all about!!! and scenes around looked too good, and you feel like on the top of the world.
There and then lifes shows me another mountain ahead very soon :) and leaves me a choice wheather to follow the adventure, strive for it or stay where I am now !
As per the human nature, with little resistance i start to touch and feel the rock of new mountain because then it feels uncomfortable (very simple : new stuff), after some time pass by, i found some footprints on the rock ... WOW ! there is somebody gone there on the top... It amazes me and creates a FIRE within to have a look...
Above para is the process, which takes most of the time, climbing the mountain is just piece of cake then.
When I reach to the top, you wont believe the only sentences comes out of my mouth is, "Heck! What did I miss ???", and I thank Lord for keeping me in course (near to the mountain of my fears, weaknesses, ego, selfishness, rudeness, and many more) all the time and more significantly showed me the footprint, that has been inpiration!
As my mentor Ankur, who has been great light in my life says always, "Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration"

Now, if my understanding about leadership comes down to the bottom of heart then , "Life is all about choices, and Leadership is about choosing the right one!". If we go around and look keenly in society, amazingly we will find thousands and thousands of leaders (Leadership is no where related to type of work), and Guess what !!! they source of inspiration for me all the time. For example, My Parents has always been my role model, and great source inspiration. If I think I am tired now and its enough, I think of my mother... :) , If I think I have too many challanges, I think of my father... :), Guess what ... I know then and there I am excusing myself with wrong choice.
I compells me, to take right choice... It bounds me to persue leadership...
My goodness... when i am writing this, i realized little more about leadership!!!
"Heck !, What did I miss???"

Go Great!
-Varun Mishra

Monday, July 21, 2008


yesterday had been one of the life changing days for me, which i will remember for long long time!! My mentor and great light in my life, Ankur was talking about 2 things:
1. Way to SET the right goals
2. Way to GET the goals
And at the end of the day, if we see they are the most crucial tools for success. If we can master only above two things... Its done!

He shared his insight about realistic goals, which is again a subjective term and depends, the way you see and concieve any object. That's why you need a mentor (somebody ahead to you in life and whose life you want to live) to SET the RIGHT goals for you at current moment of time. Off course, everything is possible but might not at this moment because your mind (Sub Concious) has to concieve and believe it before it comes to manifestation.

Find a MENTOR and SET a GOAL.

Next was to achieve it, He said, "Only thing you have to do get your goal is to SPEAK IT LOUD till its not done". How it works! I cant explain... and it cant be explained... it can be only felt. Only brave souls do try this for long enough. In short it is tool to fool your concious, so that your goal reaches to your Sub Concious... and manifestation is bound ot happen then!


Tuesday, July 1, 2008


The biggest GAME all of us play is our LIFE. Its big sentence to give shock for a moment but on the other had it is reality. Our play decides, how we will be known for our play for the players to follow!
First thing, which i ask myself everyday, "Am I playing to the FULL???", If not, i am fooling myself and deviating from real ME...
I used to listen it, all the time... but never got it to play, but as it is known, Once student is ready teacher appears... I started getting my teaching day after day. Today I realize i do play, which is more important than anything else... even RESULT.
Because, you play only when you do your best!!! emotionaly, physically... when your mind and soul cometogether to bring out a melody.
Think a little, stop, calm down... breathe... and think again, Is this your best ???
If not, its time to go to the NEXT LEVEL...

keep climbing on your own mountain... remember SKY is the limit!
Go get it!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Messed Up!!! Lets fix it

Everytime, i get into my grooves, Everytime my engine starts knocking, seems that it will backfire anytime, Everytime I become so desparate to hide my weaknesses, Everytime I start illusing the truth, conclusion comes to that I have messed UP!!! Big time...

What next then???

Do some of you feel even a bit of this at some point of time in life. What it recalls me to go back and starts regretting about the mistakes. It is THE sink of all forms of your energy. I respectfully suggest, please dont do so...
Go back, think... think big time... take help from a friend near of dear, read more books...

But look ahead to FIX IT!!!!

Anything can be learned and mastered... if done enough no of time with focus and attention... We all know this, let's practice it!!! FIX IT!


Friday, June 20, 2008

Love of Song

Are you music freak...!!! Fantastic... Music puts in life in everything it touches. It is THE element required to have a SUPERHIT MOVIE. You may be liking Jagjit, Lata, Sonu, Adams, Medonna and many more. They all are greats in THEIR music.
I have a simple question for you... Do you like your own music? music of your life... music of success, music of love, music to serve others...

Why not? God has given everybody same set of organs to set their own music of life... Some do by singing, some by composing, some by creating, some by building, some by putting it all together. But at the end of the day, they all have something to SING, which they like... and offcourse... what is inside reflects outside.

Are we in love with what we sing everyday? Is the music of our life?

If not, I would respectfully suggest, Go ahead, be brave and try other compositions, you are the creator, and if you really like your creation from inside... everybody around will die for it!!!

First thing is try to listen, what you want to compose, then map it to what are you composing...

Will you do so?

Remember, there is always plenty of space at top.

Go get it!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Planning for change

Its seems confusing ! :) , How can somebody plan a change? , first of all Is it possible to do so...
But remember my friend, "Nothings change until you changE"

Yes, you got it!, I am not talking about the change of circumstances, environment, conditions, situations etc., I am looking for change in thyself. Thats what matter... Its not what happens to you... its what happens in you makes all the difference in future! .

Now, coming to the point, as all of us want to be better today (better YOU, not somebody else) than to yesterday. For that you need to identify thing which are to be changed. If you have not identified those ... Please go an read some books (I will not be talking here about it!). But basic problem is that even when we identify the change, we dont change... we read nice books and like them, but we dont change and then say... "Books are mere motivational talks... worth nothing"...

Dear friend, nothing happens without a motive... that is something which gets you excited and leads to action. But to change you need to plan, I will share my routien with you...

I use a sheet of paper for one week, where all the days are marked as colomns and each colomn has 5-6 rows to write action points. This is the tool... Whenever i am reading a book, talking to my mentor, talking to my wife, thinking deep etc., and i find a point where I can change myself for better, I jog out that point (only one to three point(s) in a day) (Hint: dont look for major big points, write whatever you think... Dont be Mr. Perfect from step no 1). Everyday night before sleep I have reserved 30 minutes to find action points about that change.
Here you go... you have action point now, ADD it into your next day plan for next 5-10 days, you will amazed how that small thing made a big difference in your ATTITUDE and outcome of the day.

Go Get It!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Tic Tic Tic... Ticking

What do you think when it's ticking ???
How do you feel when it's ticking???
But, the bigger question is:
How many times do you notice that it's ticking???
Yes! my dear friend, that is point of learning, that is time of growth (internal), that is window to new opportunity, that is era of new you (better you), because it demands:
....and many more traits of a success at one time!
And it creates only and best opportunity to apply all your (current) success skills to play!


Play often friend!, play whenever wherever you possible can! ... if you have forgot what i meant by play ... just go back to your chilhood and remember the meaning of PLAY. "You surely know it". As Robin Sharma says beautifully "Adult are adultrated children"... be the child again and play with all you have like child when "its ticking"... Offcourse you will grow as child does without fail!

I have choosen to do so! will you?

Go Great,

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dard se be-gam hua ~ GALIB

Cribbing never helped and will never do!. Galib said it a century back...

"Ranj se bei~gam hua insaa, to mit jaata hai ranj
Muskilein itni padi humpe, ki aasaan ho gayee

Its all about, accepting the destiny, listening to the GOD (inner voice) not noice around, and then reacting. It removes all kind of guilts. I do believe GUILT kills people more than anything else, i often see walking talking dead people, unfortunately they are intelligent and smart and they cribb alot ! means ALOT! and built guilt more and more...
Everything is possible with GOD, all of us know and told from childhood, but many of us do believe over this and choose your actions, decide your priorities based on this.
Believe me! if you do so, your productivity will shoot up beyond 200-300% right there, thats what happened to me. It helped me to switch off my tiny mind and go out for a cause, focus on solution rather than problem...

Now, the i invest my time in working towards solutions, not in cribbing about guidence of destiny, and my excuses off course :)) !!!

Try out, it may change your behaviour which creates attitude!


Friday, May 16, 2008

Success N Significance

All of us want success, i never met anybody who do not want to be successful... Simplest way i can say about success is to live your life in a way YOU want, lead your life in a way YOU want, feel about yourself in a way YOU want, love yourself in a way YOU want...

But significance is defined by What do you WANT????
Its not about getting what you want, its about showing the path to many as you, so that they can get what they want... Sucess is good, but significance is better. Its a step ahead of our all personal achievements, its eternal bliss!!! where GOD chooses you to serve the purpose, fight for the cause which makes lives better on the planet EARTH...

Its not about winning, its about legacy... its not a goal its mission...

what about urs??

Go get it!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Less is More

These are lines taken from blog of Robin Sharma, international bestseller author, social activist, reformer... He writes down more about it at his blog : -
If you have already being to my blog before and read about Circles :)) [], then you can understand it much better.

Gone Eagle,
--Varun Mishra

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Circles OOO :)

It has been a great realization and practical methodology for me when my friend Arpan shared about these two circles which are illustrated by stephan corvey in his book "7 habits of highly effective people".
Green Circle is your circle, means it is controlled by you. Here lies the things which are directly under your own control, and your actions can easily influence stuff inside it.
Purple Circle is environment circle, contains things which you cant control (e.g. what will a person infron will think???). These are things, which most of the time hinder us to take action.

Now, I found most of us merely concentrate on green circle, we keep concentrating of purple circle and which of no use... no wonder we dont get the results.
Life became quite simple after i started using this phenomenon in my real life. You can make choice right there by using this principle, and focus on the stuff which you can control and suppress others!
Off couse after 21 days it will become second nature to you and your performance will soar higher and higher forever... What is more significant is that, "Over a period of time, your Green circle will start expanding and Purple circle will converge" and you become more and more valuable to the society, and marketplace as well.

Thats clue... will you do so?


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Follow UP

Follow UP!
Its way to see the result and guide them in your own way. If you think that you are not able to execute your plans, then you are not following up. Check it every day... you will be amazed with the results, as after some time you will be hitting you targets before the deadline! and its good problem to have :)

would you?


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Right questions do the trick?

yes, ladies and gentleman. They do the trick, not the lecture, neither imposing words nor pictures... Questions have hidden potential and an martial tool of persuation. It needs mastery to do so, but it is always very effective even at beginner level. Because... Because... of only reason that, to ask RIGHT questions, you need to have....
1. Confidence
2.Belife about your acts

And the people infornt are going to feel it!, and once they know you are genuine and your question is about to help them... they are going to open their heart and here comes self persuation...
You can persuade somebody once, twice but not always... A man have to persue himself if he has to take a consistent and persistent action...

Take time to look inwards... and draft your questions and analyse your own answers... if they are noble and geninue... Then you are done for your life~~
Only remaining thing is to ask those question with certain number of people...
Go get it!


Sunday, March 30, 2008

When it becomes Mission

During the World War II, Wiston Churchill chanted it loudly in parliament. He said, "If you ask what is our aim, then I will say it is Victory, "Victory" and there is no alternative to that". During that era, he delivered some of the most memorable speeches which decided the course of the world infact!
Point to be taken is that, when victory becomes so obsessive so that you dont have any other alternate, thats when it becomes your mission. It dose not come alone, it comes along with GOD's blessings and all the tools and stuff required to make it happen. Anybody with real mission with such a intensity as Mr. Churchill had, never failed and never would fail...

Go find out yours, what are the things your are so obsessed that winning is not a option, its mandation...
Go Get it!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Walk the Talk

It is what, I say is character of a person. Knowledge without practicle usage is of worth nothing. Many times we talk more and do less, promise more and deliver less, take more (applause) and give less... No wonder most of us live unexplored life, with sense of something missing! (No offense but i found it true for lot of people including me!)
If we can walk our talk, each one of us know enough to become great person known ever for his positive impact...
This video is amazingly to the point

Let make a difference!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


It is very vast topic to discuss and understand. It is process which needs to be understood and mastered throughout life. It is very well said as "It's what you learn, after you know it all, That Counts!!!".

First step in learning, is knowledge of what to do and why to do... This is cause of fire (a spark!!!)(will not be perfect first time but faith should be perfect from the first time!, and I am sure it will be ONLY if you are leading your passion :-))

Secode step is Experience, (You have to FAN your SPARK with Action to get EXPERIENCE) ::You would have heard experience is best teacher !!! :) but not really, Accepted experience may be best teacher. Most of people dont accept the reality of experience. They try to manipulate and interpret with their own prejudged thoughts!

Third and final one is Reflection, "Reflection turns experience into Insight", and thats where you learn something, which is real within you!

Its well said in Vedas, "A day spend without learning anything in life, is not wroth living", and more number of such days... creates unfilled life at the end.
Wake up! take the call now!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008


Once you have your course clear with best of your planning then, action is required to make it to reality. Thinking for a action is waste and useless, because its much easier to take action rather that keep thinking of it. Do the action, hit it hard with best of your abilities.
Then accept the RESULT! it is very important otherwise it will result in fear, anaxiety, or demotivation in case of negative result. Once you have accepted the result, things becomes satisfying, and it looks rewarding. That is process of learning from the action.
Then relax, loose down your self. Take proper sleep and bit of exercise of yoga to relax your mind and body to increase energy within. This is the best time to reflect over the learnings and review of the chalked out plan in case required...


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Chalk out the Couse

I read it 6 months back I read it but now getting to understand it a little bit:
"Anybody can steer the ship, but it takes leader to chalk out the course"
Because leaders are the only one, who are creators, masterminds, fighters, and moreover assets for the society. Any big building, creation, design start with a blueprint and mind game simulation of it. Thats why, they comes out to be perfect as meant to be...

How many of us really blueprint our day before starting it?

Very few! I am also learning this to make a habit of this phenominal stuff. It keeps you in the race always, as during blueprint creation, you will make your checkpoints.
Next important point is to record your blueprints, so that next time you can improve and do it better. Then keep repeating it!!!
Failure to plan, is plan for failure
This line has came out of alot of experience, which contains insights, those you can realise only when you do it. Do it now!!! and feel the difference in 15 days.

PS: Studies has shown that if you plan your day a night before then your subconcious mind works to make your plans true when you sleep.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Accept the Numbers

It's the way to identify "Area Of Improvement" AOI. When i say numbers, these are nothing but the result(numbers) of the actions(numbers) then try to figure out what is missing either numbers (action) or quality in processing(skills) those numbers. There is nothing in the world which cant be learnt. Effort and time of learning is based on the fact where you are...

It can be known, only when you experiment for sometime and workout the numbers and most importantly accept them, respect them and learn from them. Discarding numbers is nothing but fooling ourselves... because they are nothing but THE TRUTH.

Weekly review, or workout might be good practice to start with...


Friday, March 14, 2008

Thinking Big <--> Realistic

Its is dilemma when you decide your own goals specially short term goals at the begining until you dont know the process. To achieve big, first and foremost think is think big, be an artist to design your own world, put in each and everything you want like a painter... very very important.
But when it comes to makes those dreams come true, we have to put them in small tasks, GOALS and achieve one at time and then it multiplies automatically. As Henry Ford said, "No problem so big, if it is broken in small steps". Now comes the GOALS reach and decisions to make them, draft them! Only thing you have to understand is that "YOu cant replace time".

"GOAL should be big enough so that you dont have time, whereas you should have time to achieve that GOAL"

Thats my way of doing it... It has just begun.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Got it!

It feels immensly good, when you set the target and hit it. Nothing is more motivating, inspiring, thought provking, leading than to this. Nobody can explain you, make you realize, guide you to it. Its your own way, its way to greatness. Its eternal feeling of feeling blessed that "You have good stuff in you", "You are a leader", "You can stand tall", "YOU CAN MAKE THINGS HAPPEN" whatever are the circumstances.
If you want to get a glimps of greatness within you, just go and set a target for yourself (which makes you to stretch a lill bit) and then go hit it with all that you have (I believe everybody has more than enough to get no matter what the goal is) !!!!
What would be more significant is that, knowledge of process which leads to greatness, because if you can do it once, definitly you can repeat it again and again and more importantly teach to others which brings in fulfillment!

Beware : "You will be tested and challanged"


Thursday, March 6, 2008

I like it :)

Time has come now for me, to grow large in life, as everything is going out of plan, it getting unexplored, situations coming as never before, on top of that no time to analyse it (overanalysis has hurt me always)... BUT over and all I LIKE IT, first time ever.
I feel eternal joy of being student now, no more egos, no more gulits, complains, fear, expectations, just go out and perform and rest GOD will take care!
I has happened that i have to reschedule my daily goals, but its okay! thats how it should be and its open to me now!

I am writing all this, because it has been biggest learning so far I believe!!!, start liking whatever is there (Realise its your point of view, not the object) you will feel eternal bliss!


Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Here lies the power of consistancy and persistancy. To achieve anything in life both are required and to have them REASON is required. Reason with a dream becomes your mission and you are unstoppable then.
We got to have a reason, when life comes back on us, hitting again and again... we got to have some reason! to make our commitment soaring, to say NO to NO and deny to QUIT.
Price of success is far better and great than to price of failure, but why people dont act is because lack of REASON.

I struggled alot to find the reason, but it became so easy when Norman Cussin said

"Biggest tragedy of life is not Death, It is what we allow us to die inside when we live"

Just think about this statement for sometime, alone! You will get your reason, as i got.


Monday, March 3, 2008

Habits :)

These are the automatic actions, who most of us does unconsiously everday. But quality and effectiveness of habits creates fortune for us. All the successful people have good habits, which keep them soaring all the time. If we can somehow control, change, refine our habits which help us to achieve definite GOALS, it will be lifechanging over a period of time.

Habits do not show their effect in a day or months but in a year definitly. Acquiring 1 good habit in a quarter can change our future in 2-3 years. :) its show simple but requires dicipline for some time until action becomes a habit. If we can perform a consistent action it automatically becomes our habit. (e.g. driving car, changing channels :))) , and many more....)
As per studies :
To make or break a habit it takes 21 days

we all can do it!

Wait a Minute.... Think!!!!

It has been learning for me after long time, to apply simply stated words in the subject line. I have been doing this mistake for long time. Never use to think, real purpose of action and only relying on the facts and process of action. Only perfecting the course of action will not lead to success, i believe personally there should be mature and propelled thinking behind every action to give it little edge required to cut through deals...

Its very simple, think before doing any important activity. Now, what to think depends on you and your state of mind... It is not necessary to think right from the beginning but continuous effort will lead to right thinking and right application.

I believe we need to use 100 ounce stuff at every possible place and find out right stuff and bi heart it... achieve it...

In sankrit its well said "VEER BHOGYA VASUNDHARA"

go get it!!


Friday, February 29, 2008

Reaction is Action without reason

Many times in our life, we get trapped into our own made nets... it happens all of sudden (as it seems) if we do not control it. It is like how spinners trap batsman with their planned tactics. But at the end of the day if we realize, Reacting to a situation is most easy and prompting thing to do, like instructing, forcing to your life partner, colleague, friend or child with your own thoughts rather than understanding them.

Next step is ego collision, which create huge problems in personal relationship. One very good antidote which i have found is, which works for me is... a simple question you need to ask yourself before you get into any discussion, or conversation or act of reaction:::

Is this thing really important?

90% of the time answer has been NO for me, and believe me i saved alot of energy, time, rework and it kept my focus going too...


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

TIME is law of NATURE

There is nothing fundamental than this, even you can measure truths based on this. Its something which is irreplacable. Existance of anything's virtue is dependent on it.

I have been so impateint before to understand this concept that "It takes time to grow", and there is internal growth (which also takes time) before external growth. It happens, that we are working so hard, hitting it so hard, banging again and again... and nothing happens or shows off outside... that is time to forgive yourself and keep yourself motivated with the noble vision and dreams which we have.... it keeps the MISSION on forever!!!

To do so, we need to understand the concept of time, time is timeless and so powerful that you cant douge this.

John C Maxwell says it to the best
If you are coasting, you are roasting... its matter of time

Keep the believe up and up, soar higher and higher, success has never being tuff its concept above which only few understand and they succeed always!


Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Ahhh... It is phenominal topic to talk about! it is the crux of all the success. We make alot ot decisions throughout our lives, ranging from waking up 15 mins early everday, regular exercising, loosing weight, personal improvement, going out, changing, calling to loved ones regularly, thinking first thought as positive early in the morning. But, what happens a week, a month after that... most of us fail to carry on the activities and never see the end result which was just about to come.

"Successful people make important decisions early in their lives, then they manage those decisions rest of their lives"

Off course, we need a decision (choice) first to manage it!!! But it takes DICIPLINE (of doing whatever it takes) to manage those decisions. Dicipline is nothing but a promise to yourself, which you will not deny. It might be reading a personality improvement book even you are tired in evening, taking your wife out because you promised even if IND-AUS cricket match is in final overs and many more...

Dicipline is not but the content of character, defines your value and impact in longer run of human race!

--Most important thing is we all know this, but again it take dicipline to recall it again and again... I used to biggest victim of it, now its gone better and getting even better... and guys it pays huge dividents when you stick to your inner drive and leave anything else...


10 min lifeline

Hi guys,

This has been phenominal concept for me to use day in day out. Its very simple just need infomation to do it.
There are situations, challanges in everbody's life thats what makes it interesting and lovable. But sometime, you just get diverted because of all this mess at the begining, it looses your screws, focus is lost, and you just want to GIVE UP!!!!... Then comes this 10 mins life line. For these 10 mins you need to read books, listen tapes, think about people you admire (you aim and want to be like them...), get yourself motivated by understanding the fact that its OKAY. We are not the first one to feel like it, it nothing but the way to your full potential...

There will be days, when you need 3-4 10 mins or their might be days you need only 1...

Use it, love yourself, love what you do... people will love you!


Monday, February 25, 2008

stringing and unstringing the instrument

I have made a decision to write over this blog everyday to reflect over my learning of life and share it to the world. It may help other to not to repeat the same mistakes again and again...

I am quite impressed with ideas of Robin sharma when he discloses the difference between life of average person and elightened on! It goes like this :-

Simply spring has past, Summer has gone
And winter is here...
And the song I meant to sing remains unsung for

I spent my days stringing and unstringing my instruments...

It emphasizes over proactive daily thinking and working towards a universal goal which can give some meaning to our life!

Dreams are destiny