Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Ahhh... It is phenominal topic to talk about! it is the crux of all the success. We make alot ot decisions throughout our lives, ranging from waking up 15 mins early everday, regular exercising, loosing weight, personal improvement, going out, changing, calling to loved ones regularly, thinking first thought as positive early in the morning. But, what happens a week, a month after that... most of us fail to carry on the activities and never see the end result which was just about to come.

"Successful people make important decisions early in their lives, then they manage those decisions rest of their lives"

Off course, we need a decision (choice) first to manage it!!! But it takes DICIPLINE (of doing whatever it takes) to manage those decisions. Dicipline is nothing but a promise to yourself, which you will not deny. It might be reading a personality improvement book even you are tired in evening, taking your wife out because you promised even if IND-AUS cricket match is in final overs and many more...

Dicipline is not but the content of character, defines your value and impact in longer run of human race!

--Most important thing is we all know this, but again it take dicipline to recall it again and again... I used to biggest victim of it, now its gone better and getting even better... and guys it pays huge dividents when you stick to your inner drive and leave anything else...


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