Monday, June 23, 2008

Messed Up!!! Lets fix it

Everytime, i get into my grooves, Everytime my engine starts knocking, seems that it will backfire anytime, Everytime I become so desparate to hide my weaknesses, Everytime I start illusing the truth, conclusion comes to that I have messed UP!!! Big time...

What next then???

Do some of you feel even a bit of this at some point of time in life. What it recalls me to go back and starts regretting about the mistakes. It is THE sink of all forms of your energy. I respectfully suggest, please dont do so...
Go back, think... think big time... take help from a friend near of dear, read more books...

But look ahead to FIX IT!!!!

Anything can be learned and mastered... if done enough no of time with focus and attention... We all know this, let's practice it!!! FIX IT!


Friday, June 20, 2008

Love of Song

Are you music freak...!!! Fantastic... Music puts in life in everything it touches. It is THE element required to have a SUPERHIT MOVIE. You may be liking Jagjit, Lata, Sonu, Adams, Medonna and many more. They all are greats in THEIR music.
I have a simple question for you... Do you like your own music? music of your life... music of success, music of love, music to serve others...

Why not? God has given everybody same set of organs to set their own music of life... Some do by singing, some by composing, some by creating, some by building, some by putting it all together. But at the end of the day, they all have something to SING, which they like... and offcourse... what is inside reflects outside.

Are we in love with what we sing everyday? Is the music of our life?

If not, I would respectfully suggest, Go ahead, be brave and try other compositions, you are the creator, and if you really like your creation from inside... everybody around will die for it!!!

First thing is try to listen, what you want to compose, then map it to what are you composing...

Will you do so?

Remember, there is always plenty of space at top.

Go get it!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Planning for change

Its seems confusing ! :) , How can somebody plan a change? , first of all Is it possible to do so...
But remember my friend, "Nothings change until you changE"

Yes, you got it!, I am not talking about the change of circumstances, environment, conditions, situations etc., I am looking for change in thyself. Thats what matter... Its not what happens to you... its what happens in you makes all the difference in future! .

Now, coming to the point, as all of us want to be better today (better YOU, not somebody else) than to yesterday. For that you need to identify thing which are to be changed. If you have not identified those ... Please go an read some books (I will not be talking here about it!). But basic problem is that even when we identify the change, we dont change... we read nice books and like them, but we dont change and then say... "Books are mere motivational talks... worth nothing"...

Dear friend, nothing happens without a motive... that is something which gets you excited and leads to action. But to change you need to plan, I will share my routien with you...

I use a sheet of paper for one week, where all the days are marked as colomns and each colomn has 5-6 rows to write action points. This is the tool... Whenever i am reading a book, talking to my mentor, talking to my wife, thinking deep etc., and i find a point where I can change myself for better, I jog out that point (only one to three point(s) in a day) (Hint: dont look for major big points, write whatever you think... Dont be Mr. Perfect from step no 1). Everyday night before sleep I have reserved 30 minutes to find action points about that change.
Here you go... you have action point now, ADD it into your next day plan for next 5-10 days, you will amazed how that small thing made a big difference in your ATTITUDE and outcome of the day.

Go Get It!!!