Sunday, July 11, 2010

Life is a Lesson

Yes! Yesterday I got chance to meet and hear an amazing couple, "Paulraj and Sagaymary" who were leading ordinary life because of background BUT they choose to learn from life, and became striking extra-ordinary in their lifestyle, impact and influence.

It was truly inspirational to meet and hear them. They poured out their heart and absolutely made us believe that, It's Possible. He showed us so many life critical demonstrations which are SIMPLE but we ignore it or discard it because of our LOGICAL minds in play.

I thank GOD again to bless us with association like this. Where people are not judged and recognized by anything else other than strength of their character. I choose to join this club which is uplifting and inspiring for everyone around me.

Is this a lot of work??? No, this is a lot of energy waiting to unfold itself on to me!!!

Lets Rock,


Friday, July 2, 2010


Life is an amazing endeavor if you are willing to push it forward to touch lives other people around you in positive way for better.

A human soul on fire is most dangerous weapon in the world, I had heard it but saw multiple time in recent times. It has been blessing to be around people who started ordinary but choose to become extraordinary, because of DREAMS and LOVE and INNOCENCE. We do touch lives around us with energy we vibrate and carry along with us.

It is impactful, if that energy is positive so that someone can benefit of you and you get chance to add value to someone's life. SO, this gives me one more reason to be POSITIVE all the time, think of only POSSIBILITIES all the time, to LOVE what I do all the time.

Just hang loose, let it go, don't analyze all the time, BE POSITIVE.