Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Got it!

It feels immensly good, when you set the target and hit it. Nothing is more motivating, inspiring, thought provking, leading than to this. Nobody can explain you, make you realize, guide you to it. Its your own way, its way to greatness. Its eternal feeling of feeling blessed that "You have good stuff in you", "You are a leader", "You can stand tall", "YOU CAN MAKE THINGS HAPPEN" whatever are the circumstances.
If you want to get a glimps of greatness within you, just go and set a target for yourself (which makes you to stretch a lill bit) and then go hit it with all that you have (I believe everybody has more than enough to get no matter what the goal is) !!!!
What would be more significant is that, knowledge of process which leads to greatness, because if you can do it once, definitly you can repeat it again and again and more importantly teach to others which brings in fulfillment!

Beware : "You will be tested and challanged"


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