Monday, March 3, 2008

Habits :)

These are the automatic actions, who most of us does unconsiously everday. But quality and effectiveness of habits creates fortune for us. All the successful people have good habits, which keep them soaring all the time. If we can somehow control, change, refine our habits which help us to achieve definite GOALS, it will be lifechanging over a period of time.

Habits do not show their effect in a day or months but in a year definitly. Acquiring 1 good habit in a quarter can change our future in 2-3 years. :) its show simple but requires dicipline for some time until action becomes a habit. If we can perform a consistent action it automatically becomes our habit. (e.g. driving car, changing channels :))) , and many more....)
As per studies :
To make or break a habit it takes 21 days

we all can do it!

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