Sunday, March 23, 2008


It is very vast topic to discuss and understand. It is process which needs to be understood and mastered throughout life. It is very well said as "It's what you learn, after you know it all, That Counts!!!".

First step in learning, is knowledge of what to do and why to do... This is cause of fire (a spark!!!)(will not be perfect first time but faith should be perfect from the first time!, and I am sure it will be ONLY if you are leading your passion :-))

Secode step is Experience, (You have to FAN your SPARK with Action to get EXPERIENCE) ::You would have heard experience is best teacher !!! :) but not really, Accepted experience may be best teacher. Most of people dont accept the reality of experience. They try to manipulate and interpret with their own prejudged thoughts!

Third and final one is Reflection, "Reflection turns experience into Insight", and thats where you learn something, which is real within you!

Its well said in Vedas, "A day spend without learning anything in life, is not wroth living", and more number of such days... creates unfilled life at the end.
Wake up! take the call now!!!

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