Monday, June 23, 2008

Messed Up!!! Lets fix it

Everytime, i get into my grooves, Everytime my engine starts knocking, seems that it will backfire anytime, Everytime I become so desparate to hide my weaknesses, Everytime I start illusing the truth, conclusion comes to that I have messed UP!!! Big time...

What next then???

Do some of you feel even a bit of this at some point of time in life. What it recalls me to go back and starts regretting about the mistakes. It is THE sink of all forms of your energy. I respectfully suggest, please dont do so...
Go back, think... think big time... take help from a friend near of dear, read more books...

But look ahead to FIX IT!!!!

Anything can be learned and mastered... if done enough no of time with focus and attention... We all know this, let's practice it!!! FIX IT!


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